Take the Time
Take the Time
Take the time to thank our GOD for blessings you’ve received…
All of them have come about… because we have believed…
GOD won’t bless the sinful… or those that won’t repent…
Any blessings we’ve received… for sure… are heaven sent…
We must stand firm in faithfulness… “believing” it will “be”…
Then await the blessings… that will come to you and me…
GOD determines who, and when, and how of his own choice…
When “you” receive a blessing… praise GOD and then rejoice…
This world is growing evil, with vices proudly lauded…
Doing good is still ignored… and kindness not applauded…
Those who still are unbelievers… proclaim that GOD’S not real…
One day they will kneel before HIM… when truth HE will reveal…
There won’t be a ‘second chance’ to set the wrongs. Aright!
HE could come at any time. Bright Day or Dark of Night.
Utilize what time you have NOW!… before it is diminished…
You can’t turn back the clock… when your life is finished…
Time if fleeting… we don’t know just how much is remaining…
In the future you can’t know WHEN you’ll feel life draining…
Hopefully HE’LL hear your plea… when forgiveness you request…
Don’t delay and put it off… Don’t put GOD to a test…!!
© CC: May 3, 2016 (reviewed) August 3, 2020
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, and bless his name. Psalm 100:4