They’re Singing YOUR Song
They’re Singing YOUR Song
Amazing Grace You freely gave,
to each and all on earth.
And I for one am grateful Lord,
that You allowed my birth.
How Great Thou Art my mortal mind
just can’t begin to know
the wonder of Your mercies,
and the kindness that You show.
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
yet another precious hymn
which speaks of Your unfailing love…
The Light that none can dim.
Precious Memories fill my head,
of times I spent with You.
The many times I’ve stumbled,
yet You’ve always seen me through.
Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus
to demonstrate our praise.
We bow our heads, close our eyes,
and both arms to You we raise.
I Need Thee Every Hour
whether sleeping or awake.
I hunger for Your presence,
as a ripple on a lake.
Trust And Obey words I felt…
did not apply to me.
I just knew that I had wandered…
much too far from Thee.
Just As I Am, You beckoned me,
to cease my sinful ways.
That day when I did realize,
that You deserve the praise.
Just A Closer Walk With Thee…
a trip I’ll gladly make.
I know You’ll be beside me Lord,
with every step I take.
Lord I Lift Your Name On High
for that’s where Your Name belongs.
I’ll add my voice to earths sweet chorus,
when we sing Your songs.
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder…
When The Saints Go Marching In,
I want to be in that number Lord,
when You invite us in.
Nearer My God To Thee
is the tune that we’ll all sing.
Our crowns we’ll cast before Your feet…
the crowns You said we’d bring.
I Will Celebrate
and sing a joyous happy song.
And thank my God I am also there…
with the other saintly throng.
Come Now Is The Time Of Worship
we’ll forever offer praise.
No tears we’ll shed, no thoughts of dread,
with YOU we’ll spend our days.
By C.C. ©October 4, 2005