Why Should I?

Why Should I?

Why should I give aid to someone… I don’t even know?
Why should I give money… to a homeless man to blow?
Just because they’re out of work… should I help give them food?
If I spend cash upon myself… am I considered rude?

Because their shirt and jeans are worn… should I give them clothes?
Should I be concerned they’re sad, and should I share their woes?
Should it matter they are aged… and feeble in their health?
Should it mean a thing to me… they’re poor… and I have wealth?

Should I care of their problems? or of their desperate plight?
Should I care they may not sleep… in a bed tonight?
Should I assist in helping them… in any way at all?
If I take care of “my” own needs… is my thinking small?

You were given aid from parents… at the time of your arrival…
Although you were helpless… they guaranteed your own survival…
You performed no labor… your Parents did it all…
You could never feed yourself… You were much too small…

You arrived here naked… you were bathed… and then kept warm…
You had someone capable… to protect you from all harm…
When you were hungry and cried out… you were kindly fed…
When you were filled… you then slept… you had no fear or dread…

You grew from infant to a child… you had need of clothing…
You were given clothes to wear… with love and not with loathing…
In all phases of your growth… your many needs were filled… .
Your needs were all furnished… and no grounds have you tilled…

GOD has given us a life… much more precious than we know…
What we do… with what we got… will ultimately show…
Do we appreciate HIS gifts? Are we selfish when “we’re” blessed?
Do we really care of our fellow man… or is it just professed?

CC: October 9, 2006


I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35

He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
And He will pay back what he has given. Proverbs 19:17


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