TROUBLED Sometimes I feel discouraged LORD, I border on despair… I wonder if I failed to reach YOU with my fervent prayer… The things that do beset me, I’m sure YOU see them too… I wonder if YOU’RE waiting… just to see what “I” might do… I want to stand...Read more
Leaning on YOU

Leaning on YOU

Leaning on YOU Please LORD let me feel YOUR closeness… when the doubts creep in… Let me draw upon YOUR STRENGTH… and know that YOU’RE within… Whatever comes upon my life… Whether failure or success… I’d like to be found working hard… and always YOU confess… I pray YOU will...Read more
In HIS Service

In HIS Service

In HIS Service I’m still amazed how GOD can make all things work out for good When I’d exhausted all “my” skills… and knew they never could. I forget just “WHO’S” in charge, almost every single day. I have to remind myself… our GOD will make a way. GOD WILL...Read more
God Bless America

God Bless America

God Bless America   GOD shed HIS blessings on us all… by letting us live “Free.” Other countries live in fear… no freedoms do they see. Despite the many problems that we must deal with every day… We’ll stand our ground together… and as… one Nation… pray; Be with us...Read more
Troubled Times

Troubled Times

Troubled Times   What did we do, to bring this on? Are we caught in the mix? Is this our Nation “done for”? Is it a break, that we can’t fix? I know I’m not the only one, my problems aren’t unique. LORD just tell me “what” to do, I’ll...Read more