Troubled Times
Troubled Times
What did we do, to bring this on?
Are we caught in the mix?
Is this our Nation “done for”?
Is it a break, that we can’t fix?
I know I’m not the only one,
my problems aren’t unique.
LORD just tell me “what” to do,
I’ll listen… when YOU speak.
Should I pray more often?
Are my prayers insincere?
Where I am now, I owe to YOU…
YOU’RE why, I’m still here.
Should I change my direction?
GOD, please just point the way.
Sometimes I move without YOU…
I’ve a tendency to stray.
LORD give me discernment.
Please guide me in my quest.
Let me know what steps to take,
as always… YOU know best.
The wisdom that I seem to lack
I ask YOU to bestow.
Please give me understanding
so that I know how to go.
I’d like to know my purpose here.
Why was I put on earth?
YOU know what’s in store for me,
today… and since my birth.
Have I still got some work to do?
What is there left undone?
Is there someone that I should seek
to tell them of YOUR SON?
I want to be successful
in all the goals that I partake.
Please help me to be careful
in the choices that I make.
Give me your assistance
when and where required.
I’d like to make the best of things
before my times expired.
It’s written in YOUR own great book
our GOD can make a way.
It’s also written many places,
we are told to “pray”.
We’re still hoping YOU’LL send help
to somehow make it right.
In the meantime please know this…
We’re ready for the flight.
© CC September 29, 2008