More Trumpet Notes
More Trumpet Notes
With prophetic event’s being filled
at such a rapid rate…
We are bound to see the “rapture” soon,
we just don’t know the date.
We keep hearing another “trumpet note”…
remember it’s sweet sound.
When you hear that “final” note…
you’re leaving here unbound.
The event’s occurring in Israel,
we see as trumpet notes.
The “rapture” is to soon be here,
as our great Bible quotes.
Another trumpet “note” we heard
in the beginning of the year…
The enemy “Hamas” is “IN”…
those in Jerusalem have fear.
The Russians and Iranians
have made their solemn pact.
They’re arming many missiles…
Israel will be attacked.
The trumpets “notes” sound…
all around them.
The enemy forces…
for now surround them.
Prophesy has told the Jews
to not depend on “their” resources.
They should look to GOD above…
HE will deal with “evil” forces.
Be thankful our GOD’s grace
has advised us of that day.
We will depart… on the final “note”
and we’ll all fly away.
We should all be very busy
telling others of HIS grace.
The unbelievers still not saved
of dangers that they face.
Don’t hesitate to warn them…
we must make them “understand”.
If “they” perish without warning,
their blood is on our hand.
The final choice of course is “theirs”
…a choice that they should make.
If they fail to heed the trumpet note,
then that’s their own mistake.
We as Christians should agree,
we’ve heard the trumpet sounding.
The fact that you can “hear” them,
means GOD’s grace is still abounding.
C.C. ©March 26, 2006