The Unbelievers Poem
The Unbelievers Poem
If you’re an “unbeliever”
and you think there is no GOD
We’re going to cover ground
that perhaps you’ve never trod.
It’s time someone spoke the truth
and didn’t “sugar-coat” it.
If you care to read the rest
then this poem will surely “quote” it.
There’s scant time left, to coddle you
or to make a “soft” appeal.
To convince you to seek GOD
and to know that HE is real.
This is it … the shortened version.
We’re running out of days.
There isn’t time to sweet talk you
into changing all your ways.
Do you want to go to heaven
or spend your eternity in hell?
The choice is yours…it’s your own call,
you should know full well.
Being “good” is not enough
despite what you may think.
When life ends here upon this earth
you’ll be at “that” brink.
Some will tell you, You’ll be back
and live here once again.
Still other’s say if you work hard
you can bail out on your sin.
There is only ONE WAY to heaven
there’s no others you can try.
The fact remains you are forever
Your “Soul” will never die.
You won’t have another chance
when your last breath you take.
You’re either “For HIM” or “Against HIM”
with the choice you make.
So listen up, confess your sins
and ask GOD for HIS pardon.
Don’t act the fool
and show your cool.
Don’t cause your heart to harden.
You could be a brother,
or a Mother’s precious son.
Many in the family,
or you the only one.
It doesn’t really matter
just how many in the fold.
This message of GOD’s saving GRACE
for you does not grow old.
You may be an unsaved Mother;
perhaps your Daughters plea’s amuse you.
You ought to get a clue though lady,
she just doesn’t want to lose you.
Don’t kid yourself, don’t take this lightly
this message is not a fable.
You really should consider GOD
while you still are able.
If someone placed this poem before you
and “you’re” an unbeliever,
Then GOD again has offered you
escape from the deceiver.
If you don’t think that our GOD’s real
just put it to a test.
But don’t say it, if you don’t “mean” it
for our GOD does not jest.
Our GOD deals in “absolutes”
at “No Time” is HE vague.
HE wants to save us all from hell
but HE will “Never” Beg!
JESUS paid for all our sins
by HIS death upon the cross.
To refuse HIS total payment
is to seek eternal loss.
GOD has spoken to you many times
but you’ve chosen to reject it.
If you’re still here when HIS wrath comes,
you simply should expect it.
They’ll be no time to cop a plea
or make a better deal.
You’ll have “zero opportunity”
you’ll have no last appeal.
If you die without our LORD
then the “Lake of Fire” awaits you.
The devil then can claim your soul
and he “will” because he hates you.
The punishment’s eternal,
pain and agony so brutal.
Your screams for help will be ignored
all your efforts will be futile.
If you’ve chosen to ignore
the many warnings that HE’s told you.
For that, my unbelieving friend,
the depths of Hell enfold you.
Well that’s it folks… this poem is done
forgive this holy rant.
But, I strongly urge you…seek GOD “NOW”
for later on you can’t.
Just pray…LORD JESUS please hear me,
I don’t want to go to Hell.
It’s possible that I could go,
this fact I know full well.
I ask that YOU forgive my sins
and grant me absolution.
I will follow YOU my LORD…
I make this resolution.
C.C. ©February 12, 2006