Last Week
Last Week
If you knew GOD was coming back, for sure in just one week
If you truly felt convinced, it was HE that you heard speak…
Would you spend time in prayer, preparing then to greet HIM?
Or would apprehension rule… because you’d fear to meet HIM?
How would you spend those seven days? Would you take time to pray?
Would you commence to change your ways, and do it every day?
Would you make peace with those who managed to be on your list?
Would you be sure to reach them “all” insuring no ones missed?
Would you forgive those who had “wronged” you, justified or not?
Would you thank GOD for all HIS blessings… and for all you’ve got?
Would you tell others of LORD JESUS, and HIS saving grace?
Would you advise your fellow man “their” sins GOD will erase?
Would you ask GOD’S forgiveness for the sins that you’ve committed?
Would you ask forgiveness too… for some others you’ve permitted?
Would you search your conscience, to completely clean the slate?
Would you strive to name them all… before it is too late?
Would you guard your tongue, and not use vulgar terms of speech?
Would you take the time it took, to meet those you should reach?
Would you try to make amends, and broken friendships fix?
The possibility exists… We just may have used up six!
© CC April 13, 2008
And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 1 John 2:28