The time will come when you’ll depart .. and reach the other side..
Let’s hope it’s where you want to be .. and with our GOD reside..
There are two destinations.. for our spirits when we leave..
One calls for great rejoicing .. but at the other you would grieve..
Be thankful for our SAVIOUR .. LORD JESUS is his name..
HE has paved the way for us .. if heaven we would claim ..
JESUS paid for all our sins .. HIS course was purely driven ..
HE endured the cross for us, that our sins would be forgiven ..
JESUS also told us, that we should forgive too ..
HE will recompense the wrong .. if any payments due ..
If we be forgiven, and we claim to love HIS NAME ..
To all those who have wronged us .. we must do the same..
JESUS told Peter, You must forgive seventy times seven,
The message is quite clear, if you hope to live in heaven
Don’t hold grudges to those people who have done you wrong..
GOD HIMSELF will deal with them .. you won’t wait too long ..
There really is no payoff .. for unforgiveness in your heart
You “must” forgive all others .. and with “you” it must start ..
So clear your conscience .. forgive them all .. erase all on that slate..
Make your peace .. forgive them now .. it’s still not too late..
Remember the line that we were taught ..contained in the Lords Prayer ..
Its written so we’d understand .. there is no mystery there..
“Forgive us our debts, as we forgive others..” this is very clear ..
This is something we all should do .. as our end is drawing near ..
CC: April 18, 2007