Pressure Treated

Pressure Treated

Pressure Treated Sometimes it may feel, like no one cares if you’re alive. You weary of the struggles, that it takes to just survive. As troubles mount, and woes increase it’s easy to despair. Thinking that you’re all alone with no one left to care. Even with your family gone...Read more
For Such A Time As THIS

For Such A Time As THIS

For Such A Time As THIS I’m still wondering “why” YOU chose to let me live so long. Despite the many things I’ve done that I “knew” were wrong. I believe YOU’VE kept me here “For such a time as this”. There must be something else for me that I...Read more
HE Considers Us

HE Considers Us

For a just [man] falleth seven times, and riseth up again: Proverbs 24:16   HE Considers Us Don’t waste time complaining of opportunities you’ve lost. Until the road is ended here there’s bridges we’ve not crossed. Be thankful for all blessings GOD has shown us through HIS GRACE. Each malady...Read more
Rapture Call

Rapture Call

Rapture Call The time is nearing when our GOD will make an end of evil. Prophecies for centuries speak of HIS “Saints” retrieval. The church has mostly nullified The “Rapture” of HIS Own. “Not” preaching of HIS coming shows our apathy has grown. GOD plainly stated in HIS WORD We’ll...Read more


Epitaph If you were given just one word to place on your final marker, Would if reflect good times in life or would it be much darker? If seemingly you’re put upon and given much to bear, Possibly the word you’d place would be the word “UNFAIR”. You may wonder...Read more


Representatives GOD told us not to worry, HE also told us not to fear. So put a smile upon your face, be grateful that you’re here. GOD’S love should be apparent in us any where we go. It should be reflected by the countenance we show. As we live here...Read more
Blessing or Luck

Blessing or Luck

Blessing or Luck Blessings we’ve received in life some count as “lucky breaks”. We seldom count ourselves at fault even when we make mistakes. Some attribute their successes to “themselves” with pride. They lack understanding, GOD had placed that “drive” inside. “You” are not an accident! GOD formed you from...Read more
In HIS Service

In HIS Service

In HIS Service I’m still amazed how GOD can make all things work out for good When I’d exhausted all “my” skills… and knew they never could. I forget just “WHO’S” in charge, almost every single day. I have to remind myself… our GOD will make a way. GOD WILL...Read more
WHO Can We Turn To?

WHO Can We Turn To?

WHO Can We Turn To? Turbulent events occurring our lifestyles rearranged. Once secure in our existence now that’s all been changed. Many face a loss of jobs with no help in their sight. Who among the masses can help us in our plight? Troubles mounting almost daily staggering our senses....Read more


Guidance No matter where you were that hour when you first arrived… the sum total of your life thus far, for sure is GOD derived. As you grew and then became the person that you are, you should know that without GOD you wouldn’t get too far. HE gives us...Read more