Big Boy
Big Boy
Big Boy was a biker…
his great size was quite impressive.
He stood six eight, weighed two ninety five
and was known to be aggressive.
He rode his bike through sun and rain
from here to Tennessee.
And if you stirred his anger…
you’d hope for time to flee.
He never started fights at all…
they seemed to seek him out.
Pity the fool that messed with him,
with Big Boy… it’s… lights out.
The fighting fame of Big Boy grew,
his ferocity was feared.
And then as quick as it began…
Big Boy disappeared.
One story went that he got “saved”
and was living all alone.
Moved up in the mountains there
and strictly on his own.
A group of bikers reminiscing,
in a bar one day…
said, man this place is really tame
since Big Boy went away.
Let’s ride up to those mountains
and find this dude again.
Let’s see if this guys really changed
and how he’d treat a friend.
A gang of ten got on their bikes
and cranked them from a rest…
and with a nod, they roared away…
together two abreast.
They found a town where they were told
about this camped out Giant.
He lived alone …up on the hill…
and was mostly… self-reliant.
Eventually they reached the place,
a mountain near the clouds.
They stopped their bikes…and one man said…
Go in easy.. Big Boy..don’t like crowds.
The men that hadn’t known Big Boy
were shocked at his great size.
But soon relaxed… when they perceived…
a smile in his blue eyes.
He motioned them to have a seat
on logs scattered round about…
then told them to relax… have some coffee…
just chill out.
Big Boy smiled at each of them
and with a friendly nod,
said… I don’t get many visitors…
the townsfolks think I’m odd.
I guess you’ve come to check me out…
to see why I had quit.
You see, I met my God one day
and that my friends … was “IT.”
I thought that when I came to God
that my good times would end.
That just ain’t true… I am here to say…
that I gained… my Best Friend.
I realized then, up to that time,
my life was really brutal.
The life I led… before that day,
I finally knew was futile.
From that time on… He changed my life…
I finally felt free.
I’m still rough around the edges
cause HE’s not “through” with me.
The devil put things in my life,
to titillate and thrill.
And never did I hesitate…
I rushed to have my fill.
There’s many forms of evil
that seize us like a vise.
No matter which of them you pick,
there always is a price.
There is a way to overcome
and beat him at his game.
Just speak the name of JESUS
and call upon HIS name.
Ask HIM to come into your life
and change it while you can.
He’ll take you to such places…
that you have never been.
And when you draw your last breath here…
and leave your bike … behind you…
you’ll be glad you made that choice,
and that He took the time to… find you.
I know you men are tough…
I’ve seen some of you work…
But these things that I am telling you,
for sure…You shouldn’t shirk.
There’s some of you who won’t heed this word…
of this I know full well…
you’d rather keep your same old ways…
and ride on into hell.
It grieves me.. I can’t change your minds..
to see the final cost.
If you continue without… HIM…
your lives you know … are lost.
With that, Big Boy said his farewells…
to friends with once he’d ridden.
Some of them had somber looks…
the truth no longer hidden.
And as the men remounted
and made ready to ride out…
Several of them wondering…
what this “Friend” is all about.
He said ..Ride Safe.. and GOD be with you…
keep the shiny side UP.
If you ever want to meet my Friend,
come on by… and have a cup.
C.C. ©Dec. 6, 2005