YOU can count on me!

YOU can count on me!

YOU can count on me! When words or music are employed to offer YOU our praise .. I’ll be there to join the chorus .. all my remaining days .. I for one am grateful.. for life among the free .. Trust me LORD .. I want to say .....Read more


DISTRACTIONS The devil comes against us all .. in many devious ways .. Often time it’s when we all .. are giving GOD our praise .. Blessings that our GOD allows.. are funneled by deceit .. Satan hopes that we’ll be turned .. and sin will then repeat .. The...Read more
YOU Alone

YOU Alone

YOU Alone YOU alone know when I’m leaving… and when I’ll say goodbye… YOU assured me of success… in the many things I try… That YOU would give me life on earth… to see that I’m included… I’m overwhelmed with gratitude… that I’ve not been excluded… I’ve felt YOUR presence...Read more
Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day There is one day that’s set aside to honor our own Mother. Even though there’s Father’s day… this day is like no other. Your Father may have helped you learn how to throw a ball. Your Mother on the other hand… has received a higher call. Mom has...Read more
Easter Bunny NOT!

Easter Bunny NOT!

Easter Bunny NOT! The focus on the “Easter bunny” and chocolate eggs is not surprising. The world would have you think of “that” instead of our CHRIST rising. The colored eggs, the fluffy bunny, around it’s neck a yellow bow… All designed by this worlds “merchants” for one big buying...Read more


CHORUS OF COLORS When fall is upon us and the season begins, I watch in all wonder to view once again. The great bursts of color that spread on each tree, Each separate adornment, so special to see. With breathtaking splendor like paint from HIS brush, HIS masterful strokes inspire...Read more


BUSY .. BUSY .. This world is getting busier .. our problems seem to grow .. It seems that no one has the time .. we’re always on the go .. It’s becoming difficult .. to make our own success .. Restricted growth and hindrances .. both make our lives...Read more


PASS IT ON I was jammin’ down this two lane road when my scooter just shut down Just my luck its on a route where no one is around My tool bags got some open ends, screwdrivers, and a pliers I knew to check the usual, spark, gas, and loosened...Read more