The Tattoo

The Tattoo

The Tattoo   John’s car was missing badly, as it limped into the station. The mechanic he had talked to there, surveyed the situation. Your fuel pump has a leak sir, it should be changed without delay… The leaking fuel could start a fire… while you were underway.   I...Read more
Heaven Bound?

Heaven Bound?

Heaven Bound? Only GOD in heaven can forgive you of your sin. Despite what you have heard it is NEVER done by men. HE alone has set the price and guarantees admission. Your entry to HIS Kingdom is by your own submission. Counting beads, repeating prayers, absolution by a priest…...Read more
Biker Blessing

Biker Blessing

Biker Blessing There’s some who have known me before I met YOU… Before I was changed…and my old man was through. Most would agree…that I was a mess… And chances were slim… of my reaching success. The path that I’d chosen…the life I’d persue… Were all about pleasure…And not about...Read more