YOU Alone

YOU Alone

YOU alone know when I’m leaving… and when I’ll say goodbye…
YOU assured me of success… in the many things I try…
That YOU would give me life on earth… to see that I’m included…
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude… that I’ve not been excluded…

I’ve felt YOUR presence many times… while living on this earth…
I’m astounded YOU would want one such… of no apparent worth…
YOU don’t view the person… but YOU look upon the heart…
Why do YOU choose us to be with YOU? What sets us all apart…

I know my talents are GOD given… those within me are instilled…
But “I” must bring them to fruition… before they are fulfilled…
I am made by YOUR design… there is no one else like YOU…
YOU have assigned “me” certain tasks… that only “I” can do…

The kindnesses YOU’VE given me… each and every one…
Diminish from YOUR greatest gift… YOUR one and only SON…
I’d have no reason to complain… If I left this world tomorrow…
I wouldn’t want to leave my friends… I’m sure I’d feel great sorrow…

I’m somewhat apprehensive of that meeting to take place…
I’m sure I’ll lie before YOU LORD… flat upon my face…
If I’m permitted time to speak… I’ll thank YOU for my days…
I’ll spend the rest of time in heaven… offering up my praise…

When I depart… and reach YOUR Kingdom… to thereby enter in…
I’ll thank YOU for the victory given… the one I could not win…
YOU promised to dry all our tears… any sorrows will be gone…
We will ever be with YOU… from eternity then on…

CC: September 26, 2006
CC: August 4, 2020 (Reviewed)


O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:55-57