Remembering Radio

Remembering Radio


FM, AM, Satellite too…
all forms of listening that some of us “do”.
On our way to our jobs,
or coming back too.
There’s Rock, Rap, and Country
that constantly flows.
There’s just no escape,
from the incessant… dull… shows.


There once was a time in our History past,
when Radio Programs gave memories that last.
Of all the great programs,
I tuned in to hear,
There’s one in particular, that I truly held “dear”.


In front of the radio, the family did gather.
We didn’t have programs like the “News with Dan Rather”.
Those would come later,
with the big T.V. craze.
I fondly remember…
The Radio Days.


Narration, and dialogue,
create images quite “real”.
Descriptions so vivid,
and of scenes you could “feel”.
You could hear THE LONE RANGER
and TONTO his friend…
Chasing the Bad Guys…
that they caught in the end.


THE LONE RANGER would shout,
as they both saved the day.
The background music was the “kicker for sure”.
When the orchestra played, “William Tell Overture”.


The sound effects man was quite busy Indeed…
Hoofbeats, all running at fast breakneck speed.
Gunshots galore… with narration so grand…
Like, “THE LONE RANGER” shot…
the gun out of his hand.


To a young boy like me,
the excitement was great.
I was sure to “tune in”,
and I seldom was late.
The end of each program…
a predictable plan.
When someone would say, “Who was that masked Man??”


The logical answer we all “knew”…
was of course…
His speedy White Horse.
The “William Tell Overture”
in the background would play.
And as Hoofbeats diminished…


C.C. ©January 12, 2006