One Hour

One Hour

I would like to pose a question
to all that read this page.
Your gender doesn’t matter
neither does your age.

If you answer honestly
some real truth may be revealed.
Don’t kid yourself, or be blasé,
or it may be concealed.

If GOD called and HE told you
in “One Hour” you were leaving,
would you rejoice in your departure
or would you begin grieving??

That’s the question that I pose.
You’ve got sixty minutes left.
Would you look forward to the trip
or would you be bereft?

What is there here left uncompleted;
which task is left undone?
Is there a friend that you should call
and is there only one?

Is there a brother or a sister
that you haven’t seen in years?
There was a time when parting
would bring on loving tears.

Perhaps a Daughter … or a Son …
are distant due to strife.
Could it be your own husband
or maybe it’s your wife?

Unkind words can cut so deep
to fill your heart with hate.
And make you want to stay that way
but time is growing late…

Keep in mind the time allotted…
sixty minutes isn’t very much.
There’s folks out there that love you
you both just have lost touch.

Would you spend time phoning people
I’ve mentioned in this poem?
Or would you choose to stay alone
and hibernate at home?

Situations, I’ve not covered,
are numerous I’m sure.
You know those folks that injured you
and also know the cure.

Don’t harbor unforgiveness
don’t put off calling friends.
Don’t leave your life unfinished
there’s scant time to make amends.

The scenarios I’ve presented
are just possibilities I know.
But think about it this way …
“Have I described one that you know”?

Was there anyone you would have phoned?
Why do you hesitate?
You may have more than sixty minutes,
but why do you still wait?

No one I have ever met
knows of their final hour.
It can’t be known when we’ll leave earth,
we don’t have that power.

I DO know if you’re reading this
the air you still can clear.
DO IT NOW!! And make your peace
you may not have this year.

C.C. ©January 13, 2006

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:14-15