Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

There is one day that’s set aside
to honor our own Mother.
Even though there’s Father’s day…
this day is like no other.

Your Father may have helped you
learn how to throw a ball.
Your Mother on the other hand…
has received a higher call.

Mom has held you by the cheeks…
and combed and styled your hair.
Mom has found your other sock,
when you swore it wasn’t there.

She taught you how to tie your shoes…
and wear the socks that match.
She sewed your play clothes when they tore…
with a sturdy patch.

In time she walked you to your school
to learn to read and spell.
She helped you with your homework…
and prompted you as well.

She taught you to say please, and thank you,
and to be polite.
She’s the one who tucked you in…
when you went to bed at night.

She was in the audience
when you received your school diploma.
It was her baked pies that made you hungry…
smelling their aroma.

She tutored you in social skills,
and taught you how to dance…
So you would have a turn at least,
with your first romance.

She cautioned you to pay attention,
and to always be aware.
She also taught you other skills…
like how you shouldn’t stare.

She told you of the dangers
on the streets that we must cross.
She sometimes had to demonstrate…
Who you should call “boss”.

She loved you all your youthful days…
and now you’re fully grown.
You were given tutelage,
of how to raise your very own.

Someday you will find a wife,
or yourself may be a Mother.
That’s when you’ll fully appreciate…
“Your” MOM is like no other.

C.C. May 11, 2007

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband [also], and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:28