Left Behind

Left Behind

There will come a time when we are gone
and you’ll not know that we’ve departed.
But read on dear friend and I’ll tell you
Just “what” has now been started.

What you’ll hear on the radio
or view on the evening news…
Will only tell you that we’ve “gone”
and the moderators “views”.

Here’s the “TRUTH” put quite simply
and laid out really plain…
We are now with JESUS CHRIST
and forever in HIS reign.

What has just took place is not a surprise….
it has been expected.
Our mass departure from this earth
has for centuries been projected.

If you look around and find a Bible,
keep it close at hand.
You’re going to need to read it
to completely understand.

First Thessalonians Four Seventeen
is a verse you should read first.
Start from verse fourteen,
and you’ll know why we’ve dispersed.

Also read chapter Five…
Verses 1 on through eleven.
It will tell you where “we’ve” gone…
with JESUS up in heaven.

This is no fairy tale dear friend.
It’s not a “Disney” story.
We as believers are saved by GOD
to be with HIM in Glory.

This world and all that are within it,
will face the utmost evil.
It’s cataclysmic terror…
you will share with it’s upheaval.

The antichrist will surface then,
and control your every function.
You’ll not escape the hell to follow…
you now stand at your life’s junction.

There is a way to be with us
and to join our GOD above.
You’ll have to face the trials to come,
and die to earn HIS love.

Only those who do not take the “mark” on their own person,
Will earn the right to confess JESUS
even though things worsen.

You say that’s “harsh”
why should I die…
just to be with HIM?
Why not just stay and take the “mark”…
could it really be that grim?

YES! The answer is for sure…
please make your preparation.
If you don’t ask JESUS into your life,
you’ll face eternal separation.

You’ll be cast into the Lake of Fire,
prepared for Unbelievers.
Because you failed to see the truth,
and listened to deceivers.

GOD’S love is great…
and you are made in our own GOD’S image.
You will be named among the lost…
This battle isn’t scrimmage.

As you read the Bible
you will see how things progressed.
And how you could have been with us
if JESUS you confessed.

Because you failed to ask HIM “in”
just means that you were left.
The “believers” were taken out of here
as if by some great theft.

It’s not too late to save yourself,
you still can gain HIS favor.
But since you failed to know HIM first…
tribulation you will savor.

You’ll have to go on to the end
and confess JESUS as your SAVIOUR.
You will meet with an untimely end…
then for your righteous behavior.

Just weigh the cost,
and consequence’s…
the severest price to pay.
It’s what you’ll have to do then friend,
to join with HIM that day.

You’ll have a special place with GOD,
you’ll be beneath HIS Throne.
But You will have the comfort then
to know that You’re HIS own.

All this pain you could avoid
if you receive HIM now.
Don’t wait to read these words much later…
this poem will tell you how.

Ask LORD JESUS to come into your heart…
But you must be sincere.
If you do this before the rapture comes,
You won’t be left here.

C.C. ©May 4, 2006

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52