In Season, Out of Season

In Season, Out of Season

Why are preachers silent when it comes to sin and hell?
Why don’t they speak more of this, instead of “all is well”?
Some I’ve heard admonish us, but most others sorely lack.
Why not get us ready for… our JESUS coming back?

What could be a motive, for omission of this news?
Why not tell us all the truth, and not their slanted views?
What reward is there in store, quelling news of this event?
They should be advising us… It’s time we all Repent.

It is a fact… The Rapture will take many by surprise.
When JESUS splits the Eastern sky, the saints of HIS will rise.
The beauty of this final chapter… the church has left this earth….
Will leave the world in turmoil… and new evils it will birth.

Panic will abound with those, still left here with their Pastors.
They will soon be facing, those upcoming great disasters.
Those “left behind” will quickly grasp the facts to their dismay.
They have missed the Rapture of the Church that awesome day.

If “YOUR” church doesn’t preach about the Rapture of the Saints…
I suggest you ask your Pastor, of the picture that “he” paints.
Ask “why” the Rapture isn’t preached, as truly as it’s “written”.
Don’t stay in the dark on this… and be left here to be smitten.

© C.C. January 1, 2007


How many of us are like men who see their faces in a mirror, and then walk away and forget what we look like! Yes! My friends, it is not your promise of repentance that can save you; it is not your vow, it is not your solemn declaration, it is not the tear that is dried more easily than the dew-drop by the sun, it is not the momentary emotion of the heart which constitutes a real turning to God.

There must be a true and actual abandonment of sin, and a turning to righteousness in real act and deed in every-day life. Would you say you are sorry, and repent, and yet go on from day to day, just as you always have before? Will you now bow your heads, and say, “Lord, I repent,” and in a little while commit the same acts of sin again?

If you do, your repentance is worse than nothing, and will make your punishment yet more sure; for he that makes a promise to his Maker, and does not keep his promise, has committed another sin, in that he has attempted to deceive the Almighty, and lie to the God that made him. Repentance to be true, to be evangelical, must be a repentance which really affects our outward behavior.

Repentance to be true must be total. How many will say, “Lord, I will give up this sin and this other one; but there are certain favorite lusts which I must hang on to.” O friends, in God’s name let me tell you, it is not the giving up of one sin, nor fifty sins, which is true repentance; it is the serious giving up of every sin. If you conceal one of these accursed vipers in your heart, then your repentance is nothing but a fake. If you indulge in only one lust, and give up every other, then that one lust, like one leak in a ship, will sink your soul.

It is not sufficient just to give up your outward sins; it is not enough just to give up the most wicked sin of your daily life; it is all or nothing which God demands. “Repent.” And when he commands you to repent, he means repent of all your sins, otherwise he never can accept your repentance as being real and genuine.

The truly repentant person hates all of their sins, not just certain ones. He says, “Cover yourself with the finest gold, O sin, I will still hate you! Yes, cover yourself with pleasure, make yourself flashy, like the snake with its turquoise scales” I still hate you, for I know your venom, and I run from you, even when you come to me in the most illusive clothing.”

All sin must be given up, or else you will never have Christ: all evil must be renounced, or else the gates of heaven must be locked to keep you out forever. Let us remember, then, that for repentance to be sincere it must be total repentance.

REV. C.H. SPURGEON – Delivered on Sabbath Morning, December 7, 1856, by the at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens.