Helping Others

Proverbs 3:27

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.


Helping Others

Did you ever stop to help someone
stuck beside the road?
Or help a person carry bags
to their car for them to load?
These opportunities lend themselves
to us most every day.
Yet many times we turn our heads
and look the other way.

Have you been in heavy traffic
when cross traffic wants to turn?
They face you… blinker blinking…
hoping kindness could they earn?
Do you allow them to proceed
and delay your forward travel?
Or do you look the other way
and watch their nerves unravel?

When walking thru the Walmart lot
in the rain with your umbrella,
Do you ignore the guy in the door
and think “poor rain-soaked fella?”
Perhaps they would appreciate
an escort to their car.
After all you have some cover
and it isn’t very far.

All these things I’ve mentioned,
though minimal or small…
may seem insignificant…
but they’re really not at all.
It matters if you could assist
and you choose to just ignore it.
For our kindness GOD rewards us,
if you care to just explore it.

I’m not saying GOD is watching
to see if you’re polite.
I’m saying we could be more helpful
if we want to do what’s right.
We wouldn’t lose a lot of time
by rendering some aid.
And who knows… down the road…
kindness may be repaid.

Have you held a door for someone
entering or exiting a store?
Or do you hurry in yourself,
thinking “it’s really not your chore”.
Have you ever been in a checkout lane
with forty items in your cart.
And a little lady just behind you
with two items and a slow start.

Do you let them go before you
after all…what’s the big deal?
You might lose a whole five minutes…
think how great you’re gonna’ feel.
We should show a little kindness
even if it’s not deserved.
When you think of it my friend…
it’s not “them” that’s being served.

© C.C. February 04, 2006


And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto Me.
Matthew 25:40