First Born
“¶And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14
First Born
In the sixth month GOD sent Gabriel
to a mission on the earth…
Delivering GOD’S word to a maid
and of her virgin birth.
He told her “Mary” you have found favor…
this word to her did stun.
That “she” was chosen by our GOD
to bear HIS only SON.
This child will be called JESUS…
The HOLY SPIRIT will descend…
HE shall be the SON of GOD
and HIS kingdom will not end.
Mary, after listening to Gabriel
and all of what she heard…
Answered to him; “be it unto me
according to thy word.”
With great anticipation
she told her cousin this great news.
Elisabeth rejoiced with her.
Her cousin GOD would use.
“Blessed art thou amongst women”
she loudly did confess.
“Blessed is the fruit of thy womb”
this too she did profess.
Elisabeth in the SPIRIT, said,
“that you’ve believed, you’re surely blessed.”
The performance of all that has been said
shall “be” as was professed.
Mary said, “my soul doth magnify the Lord!
My Spirit doth rejoice!”
“That GOD would choose this maiden,
that I would be HIS choice.”
In those days, it came to pass,
there went out a royal decree.
Cesar Augustus declared a tax;
now “all” must pay a fee.
To pay this tax, all must journey
to the city of their own.
This trip would prove most difficult…
Mary’s pregnancy had grown.
A donkey was obtained for Mary
and Joseph gently led the way.
They traveled on to Bethlehem
to arrange their tax to pay.
When they arrived, weary from the trip,
much to their chagrin,
They found the lodgings all were gone…
there was no room at the inn.
And so it was while there awaiting,
Mary brought forth her first son.
She placed HIM in a straw filled manger
when the birth was done.
She wrapped her child in swaddling clothes
and watched HIM as HE slept.
Remembering of when she first was told…
GOD’S promise… had been kept.
The shepherds tending to their flocks
upon this clear, cold night
Were visited by the Angel of the LORD
among a brilliant light.
They were sore afraid…
some searched for place of hidings.
“Be Not Afraid” the Angel said…
“I bring you joyous tidings.”
Unto you… is born this day!
You’ll find HIM in a manger
lain in swaddling clothes, on hay.”
The Angel joined with “multitudes”
suddenly praising GOD on high.
The shepherds were amazed
at this glorious sight up in the sky.
And when the Angels returned to heaven
and their voices gently stilled,
The shepherds left for Bethlehem
to see GOD’S prophecy fulfilled.
They found Joseph, Mary, and the BABE
lying in a manger, as foretold.
They marveled at this HOLY CHILD
for HE was… just hours old.
The shepherds spread this heavenly news
to peoples far and near,
About the CHRIST CHILD being born
and why HE was sent here.
The SAVIOUR of the world was sent…
This CHILD one day would pay the price
for all the sins we’ve done.
C.C. ©December 3, 2006