CLASS or Lack of it

CLASS or Lack of it

Whatever happened to the time when class was daily sought?
Integrity and fairness… and manners proudly taught?
Rudeness and vulgarity are presently in “vogue”…
It seems that you are lifted up… if you act a rogue…

Society in general… seems to seek out the risqué…
Laughter in a lighter vein… now seems to be passé…
Why the difference? Why has humor changed to this degree?
Perversity is now esteemed… on topics strange to me?

Comedians (or so they claim) are filthy with their speech…
Unconcerned with younger minds… and habits they might teach…
Humor has been trampled on… innuendo’s point to sex…
Stand up persons of both genders… don’t care who they vex…

Did I really miss it? Did I not “get it” due to age?
Why is nastiness in general… quite the current rage?
Routinely I tune “out” those folks… who’ll claim to make you smile…
Filthy topics and perversions… seem to be their style…

Stand up humor… is a term that loosely is applied…
Seemingly the jokes on us… good taste are now denied…
Many try to push the envelope… thinking they are chic…
Profanity… and lack of taste… now quickly reach their peak…

Why do networks sponsor those… applauding for the lewd?
Recording those with filthy themes… honoring the crude?
Rather than to hear this filth… and what they may emote…
I suggest when you suspect… to use the hand remote.

CC © March 20, 2011