Boyhood Winter Memories
Boyhood Winter Memories
(First Snowfall)
Only GOD could orchestrate the semblance of this scene;
to cover everything with white, the fields which once were green.
I peer out through the kitchen windows frosted from the night,
Each pane contains it’s own ice pattern… much to my delight;
Giant snowflakes fill the sky which blanket fields of white
with shapes and mounds of every type… created overnight;
Shapeless bumps beneath the drifts, and fence posts crowned with white…
I hurry now with hat and coat…
to take in this great sight;
I rush outside to be the first to walk un-trodden ground…
then marvel at the stillness of the covering… void of sound.
Coat buttoned now, and hat pulled tight,
I gape and stare at this rare sight.
Laden lines with tiny gaps where birds had paused to rest from flight,
more odd shaped bumps and slopes I see which glisten in the white.
I jump and run thru untouched drifts, disrupting mounds of flakes
causing tiny clumps of snow to gather in my wake.
I walk a while then stop and stand…
quite silent in the snow… collecting this memory…
this brilliant awesome show.
Snowflakes falling on my face… melting one by one…
they gather on my lashes… I blink…
and then they’re gone.
As I look back at my small tracks winding through the topping…
they follow with a zig zag path…
up to my feet… there stopping.
I yield to the moment and roll as I fall…
all white while laughing with glee,
I wondered then who could have done this thing?
Of course now I know… it was HE.
C.C. ©Christmas 2004