(Unknown… Undeclared Origin…)

All good things… come from our GOD…It’s written many places…
Often we are blessed by folks… and never seen their faces.
Events that we just count as “luck” and go about our ways…
Yet GOD HIMSELF has intervened… and did so without praise…

How many times in life have you been… subject to a gain?
How many times have you been spared… misery and pain?
If you had to count them… I’m quite sure you’d be surprised…
Of the times we’ve all been blessed… The “Origin” disguised…

GOD moves in mysterious ways… this “quote” is often spoken…
Prayers that had been offered up… for promises unbroken.
Many times we have received some blessing unexpected.
Usually its from An unknown source… Often undetected…

“Coincidence” is recognized with simultaneous events…
With no apparent reason, and often don’t make sense.
GOD perhaps may be the reason these events occur…
HIS reasons are HIS OWN and of that you can be sure…

So when you have coincidences happen in your days.
Just be grateful you are blessed and offer up some praise…
GOD has lots to do with the confusion here on earth…
Why not just be satisfied that HE feels You have worth?

CC : 6-25-2020


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17